3 Easy Ways to Order Your Birthstone Family Tree
1. Order Online at LoveIsARose.com
Note: You will be sent to our other site, www.loveisarose.com, for online ordering. Credit card charges may appear on your bill as "Sid Fey Designs" or "www.loveisarose.com".
Instructions for Online Ordering
Fill in the blanks with the names and birthdates of your family members, including explanations for unusual situations in the special order instructions box. Do the best you can and questions will be resolved in the proofing process.
When we receive your order, we will e-mail a proof back to you promptly. From the time we receive an OK to proceed, you may expect your beautifully packaged, exquisite Family Birthstone Tree in a week to ten days, depending on destination. It will be beautiful---guaranteed! *Note: Trees with magnetic hearts and discs will not receive a proof because there is no need for a proofing process.
2. Order by Email
This is the fastest and easiest way.
- Download one of the order forms below, print it, and fill in your information.
- Then you can SCAN and EMAIL the form to mail@loveisarose.com.
- You can also TAKE A PHOTO of the completed form WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE and EMAIL that to us. Just make sure you capture the whole form and take the photo in a room with bright lighting.
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these forms, in pdf file formats. Download FREE Reader Here.
Email us your geneology chart and we'll lay out the Tree for you and send you a proof! If you don't have a geneology chart, you can make a list of all the names and birth dates, and group them by family.
Remember, you can always call our experts with any questions you may have. We are always happy to help.
Phone: +1-630-393-1111
Email: mail@loveisarose.com